Teen titans

Teen titans

8 de abril de 2011

English Grammar!


Fill in the blanks with the comparative form of adjectives. For example, cheaper (cheap) and more beautiful (beautiful).

1. My city is ________ (old) than yours.

2. Jane is __________ (pretty) than Melissa.

3. Kevin is ______________ (attractive) than John.

4. Dogs are usually ___________ (heavy) than cats.

5. Watching a film in DVD is_________ (cheap) than going to the theater.

6. This comedian is so funny! He's even _________ (funny) than the one we saw yesterday.

7. This brand of pastry is __________ (good) than the brand I usually buy.

8. The book I'm reading is much _________ (interesting) than all the books I've read in the past.

9. Italian is much ________ (easy) to learn than German.

10. Jake is ___________ (young) than his siter.

1.Older 2. Prettier 3.More attractive 4. Heavier
5. Cheaper 6.Funnier 7. Better 8.More interesting
9. Easier 1o. Younger.

Jamille Seibert ;D

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